This happened in a 1995 McDonald's commercial titled ''Emergency Survival Kit'', where a little girl's stomach growls due to hunger after apparently missing lunch on an outdoors hike.
There's a series of ads for Google translate showing off noises that it can't translate, with one example being the rumbling of a man's hungry belly.It turns out to be coming from the stomach of a man salivating over his co-worker's breakfast, unaware that he has a mic pressed to his empty belly. One Dunkin Donuts commercial has customers at a hardware store confused by a loud roaring playing over the speakers.Seems to be a recurring thing in these commercials. And then there's a set of commercials that show an angry young boy/girl (depending on the ad) marching into their homes with their stomachs roaring for food, only to become a lot happier when they're fed Chef Boyardee.His belly is so loud that it can be heard all across his school. A similar commercial shows a boy's stomach constantly growling in anticipation of the ravioli he'll be eating at home.An old commercial for Chef Boyardee ravioli has a boy's stomach growling louder and louder as he rides his bike home from school.There's a commercial for Buddig lunchmeat that has two hungry guys' stomachs literally talk to each other by growling.A restaurant called Bojangles has a series of commercials featuring this trope, in which important events are interrupted by a growling stomach and the character's pronouncement that 'It's Bo-time!'.The growls are indicated by a lion inside of him. There's a 1997 commercial for Austin Crackers which features a boy who's stomach is growling like crazy.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42.

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